Three books, podcasts and docos to get you started

April 17, 2023

Want to learn more but not sure where to begin? Overwhelmed by the amount of content out there? We’ve got you covered. Here are three great books, podcasts and docos to get you started.


How to Talk About Climate Change in a Way that Makes a Difference by Dr Rebecca Huntley 

One of the most impactful things we can do as individuals is talk to others about the climate crisis and continue to build our collective voice. Luckily, Rebecca has got you covered with a whole book about how to do this effectively! This book is about understanding why people who aren't like you feel the way they do and how we can have meaningful conversations.

Rebecca Huntley is one of Australia's most experienced social researchers. After seeing the School Climate Strikes, Rebecca decided she wanted to be part of the solution and dedicated herself to researching Australian attitudes to climate change.

Grab a copy here

The Future We Choose: The Stubborn Optimist's Guide to the Climate Crisis by Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac.

Climate news can be pretty grim at the best of times, but The Future We Choose makes the case for turning indifference and despair to a stubborn, determined optimism. Practical, optimistic and empowering, this book shows us steps we can all take to renew our planet and create a better world beyond the climate crisis: today, tomorrow, this year and in the coming decade.

The Future We Choose is a passionate call to arms from former UN Climate Change boss, Christiana Figueres, and Tom Rivett-Carnac, senior political strategist for the Paris Agreement.

Grab a copy here

The Carbon Club by Marian Wilkinson 

Written by multi-award-winning journalist Marian Wilkinson, The Carbon Club tells the story of how a group of influential climate-science sceptics, politicians and business leaders sought to control Australia's response to the climate crisis. With a shared belief that dealing with climate change would undermine the nation's (and their own) wealth, jobs and competitive advantage, the carbon club has been influential in Australia for over two decades.

Grab a copy here


How to Save a Planet 

How to Save a Planet has the answers to all your questions, big and small. From policy to technology to reforesting, every episode they explore where we are and where we can go.

Listen here

That’s Hot 

That's Hot is a weekly podcast teaching you about what’s hot and what's not in the world of sustainability, offering practical steps to make an impact, ease existential dread and help fight the climate crisis.

Listen here

Emergency on Planet Sport

Emergency on Planet Sport investigates the links between sport and climate change. Athletes, clubs and governing bodies tell stories from three angles; the impact of climate change on everyday sport, the contribution of sport to the global emergency and the solutions sport can deliver to help make a difference.

Listen here


Life On Our Planet

The GOAT, Sir David Attenborough, has made another incredible documentary. In A Life On Our Planet, David Attenborough reflects on the changes he has seen in the natural world during his career, and how we can address the biggest challenge facing our planet.

Watch on Netflix


Concerned about his young daughter's future, filmmaker Damon Gameau travels the world in search of new approaches and solutions to climate change. A story of hope that looks at the very real possibility that humanity could reverse global warming and improve the lives of every living thing in the process.

Watch here

Kiss the Ground 

Narrated by and featuring Woody Harrelson, Kiss the Ground looks at how regenerative agriculture works and its role in addressing climate change. 

Watch here

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